Arnasuk Baasegnar

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Born: 2,0238
Occupation: Lead researcher, United Orcs Science Council
Clearance: A491-9D2900

One of the most respected Hemmoian scientists, Arnasuk Baasegnar was intrigued by many fields of study, including quantum physics, xenolinguistics and cosmology. The first vessel capable of inter-galactic travel was named after xem.

During xir tenure as the Head of Research for the United Orcs Armed Forces, xe created various new energy shielding techniques, including the Amiov Type II energy shield.

FTL research

Under authorization from the Greater Hemmoian Science Assembly, Arnasuk Baasegnar worked on an ultra-long range FTL drive at a research outpost on Tamoyl in the Toreed system. The device, constructed in orbit, was a 20 kilometer long high-energy particle accelerator array, capable of generating energies never before utilized in inter-dimensional travel. Known as the Baasegnar Drive, the system was basically a very large scale version of a standard PlasmaBall Dimensional PropSys, and a sort of self-transporting Gateway Device.

See also