Earth years |
Events |
GF years |
HFed years
2044~ |
The Second Age begins. |
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Aljak Hiks born. |
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UOAF re-established. Several military bases are established on Aldaain. |
With the habiforming of Aldaain in full swing, an entire ocean of molten ice has formed on the southern hemisphere of the planet. |
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An outpost is built on Frigia, moon of Aldaain. It mostly serves as an observatory, but the rumor is that the military uses it for storage purposes. |
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The atmosphere of Aldaain has warmed up to the point where its two continents have emerged entirely from their coating of ice. Some smaller "ice continents" still remain in the connecting ocean, but are quickly dissipating. |
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2177~ |
Exactly 4000 years since the beginning of the First Age. |
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Aljak Hiks is transferred to the UOAF Weapon Research Division. |
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Almost all ice has disappeared from the surface of Aldaain. Some rafts remain on the coastlines and the polar regions are still frozen. At this point, several of the cities of Aldaain are already visible from space, even during the day. |
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Conversion of Aldaain's atmosphere to desirable temperature levels nears completion. |
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Aljak Hiks designs and constructs some new heavy projectile weapons as an option to heavy energy weapons. |
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SMOY Corporation is formed in an abandoned laboratory. |
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2206 |
Lihters and [[Q<RE-Ô]] manage to convince Humans, B² and Opiros into an alliance, V'As'Ta'R are not interested. At first a military alliance is established between the races as well as technology exchange and open trade. |
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Amiov-I force fields are invented by UOSF R&D Division. |
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Aljak Hiks promoted to a general. |
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Several UO colonyships are sent out to other systems, including the Ministero system. |
The colonyship Primax arrives at Ministero system and a colony is established. |
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Ondo of the clan Boead is born on the Ministero colony. |
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SMOY Corp. grows rapidly. |
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DBS Aerospace founded. |
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DBS Aerospace designs the S-532 Main Battle Tank in association with the UO government and the military. |
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UOAF begins using S-532 tanks as the backbone of their ground forces. |
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V3 War begins as the old enemies of the United Orcs gather up for a final showdown. |
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Defense Station E-10 is designed, constructed and launched to orbit. |
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UOSF Iso Möykky destroyed by V3 forces. It becomes the first great loss for the United Orcs. |
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UOSF Blah Yo is constructed. It is supposed to be the first of a whole new type of ships, but it is useless against the V3 forces and their superior technology. |
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First Contact with the V'romos by a group of UOSF patrolships mapping the systems surrounding the Orbeus Cluster. |
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O.R.C, the "Orcish Resistance Center" station is constructed to act as a last line of defense for Aldaain, and also to repel hit-and-run attacks.
V'romos join the United Orcs and agree to help in the war against the V3. |
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Ondo Boead bravely defends the Ministero PT colony against V3 ground attacks. |
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UOSF Noomoc is sent to the research facility where the V3 planet killer beam is constructed. A whole attack fleet of V3 ships decloaks and destroys the ship -> First known Cloaking Devices. |
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Major cloning effort by the United Orcs underway to replenish their outnumbered armies. After the war, this causes a major overpopulation problem.
The government learns that the V3 are building another planet killer to be used against Aldaain. |
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A cloaking device is stolen from one of the V3 research colonies, with great losses to the United Orcs. |
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The V3 Doomsday Fleet is launched from their shipyards. CCSöosd o CCKiidyplsiåimlo the Twelfth, an orcish military genius, is called to Aldaain Centrum to plan a last, desperate strike against the V3 main fleet, equipped with the Planet Killer Beam.
He and the government of the UO come up with a plan to install the stolen cloaking device on one of the best v'romo ships, known as V'romo Explorer, which could infiltrate the V3 doomsday fleet and then do a surprise attack to the command ships, thus disabling most of the fleet so that the outnumbered UOSF could destroy them.
Several v'romos and a legendary orcish pilot, Audom of the clan Alapaavo are assigned to operate the ship.
The plan is a success, as the ships of the Doomsday Fleet are either destroyed or disabled over Aldaain. |
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The United Orcs, by studying the computer systems on board the disabled V3 command ship, learn the location of the V3 leaders.
UOSF launches a massive attack to the main base where the leaders are located and the base is defeated easily, since most of the ships guarding it had went to Aldaain with the Doomsday Fleet.
Without their leaders, the V3 gradually die out. Some independent factions remain, but they are quickly wiped out when they try to terrorize the United Orcs.
The V3 War is officially over.
S-532 tanks are removed from active duty. |
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DBS Aerospace develops the KIE Fighters. |
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O.R.C II Station is constructed to defend Aldaain. |
First attempts to form a computerized Collective network fail. |
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Ovaap Resrek’s cryosleep sequence ends. He is implanted with a computer implant. He becomes Ovaap 2 Resrek. |
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Orbital Gateway-portals are constructed in Aldaain’s orbit. They utilize a whole new way of transportation, allowing ships to travel to "distant" star systems in a period of weeks. This speeds up the UO colonization of outer space heavily. |
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First ship enters Reel system.
Reel-5 colonized. It soon becomes a medium sized colony, popular for its fabric and clothing industry and a high Orcish population. |
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Aimusrew G5 Weeter discovers the smallish moon of Reel-3 and names it after xerself. |
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First ship enters Rilet System through the Northern Hemisphere Orbital Gateway Portal.
Rilet-II and Rilet-III are colonized almost immediately. Rilet becomes one of the first major UO colonies. |
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Arnasuk Baasegnar born. |
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2293 |
Gigerdi Fighter 1 Light Interceptor introduced.
First ship enters Tooled Hemmo system through the Southern Hemisphere Orbital Gateway Portal.
Because of extreme conditions on all planets of Tooled Hemmo system, colonization and habiforming takes more time than usual. |
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At this point, a large portion of the northern continent of Aldaain is already covered entirely by a vast megalopolis, and several other cities have grown into huge islands of urban construction visible from orbit. |
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Arnasuk Baasegnar graduates the Hemmo Academy and gets best grades. |
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First real Riletian Hemmoian, also known as "Type IV" is born. |
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Arnasuk Baasegnar's first theories on the practicality of inter-galactic travel. |
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"The Neo-Rebellion" is formed in Reel system. It is a small terrorist group that believes the Hemmoians are trying to take over the UO government. |
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For reasons unknown, the Orbital Gateways experience a massive energy fluctuation and explode, sending huge amounts of EMPs down to Aldaain and destroying most satellite and sub-space communication relays -> The Great Chaos begins.
As the infrastructure falls, anarchy spreads through the planet. The peaceful lives of the citizens of Aldaain turn into a battle for survival. With no government or police forces small gangs form, which fight for the last working bits of technology.
Due to the communication breakdown, all UO colonies are separated from their homeworld. One of the newly formed ones even dies out completely due to lack of supplies.
A small-scale civil war breaks out in the Reel-5 colony. The local colonial security try to keep the peace while the anti-Hemmoian factions try to sabotage their ships and bases.
However, the Neo-Rebellion itself does not make a public appearance. |
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The government of the Rilet System declares independence, thinking that Aldaain is either destroyed in a natural catastrophe or attacked and occupied by an enemy force.
Aimusrew G5 Weeter dies in one of the sabotage attempts on Reel-5.
As the local government of Ollapukkiti Prime discovers the true reasons behind the communication breakdown of Aldaain they send some ships to Aldaain to help. But as soon as they land one of the Northern Hemisphere’s gangs attack the defenseless ships, stripping them from their technology and killing their crew. |
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More Ollapukkitian ships arrive at Aldaain. Most of them stay in orbit, but some attempt landing, armed this time.
With the radar technology from the other ollapukkitian ships, the same gang detects the landing attempt and with their customized weapons of mass destruction, they take the new ships down.
Lack of fuel keeps the gang from using the ships for inter-planetary travel, but they are able to terrorize Aldaain’s aerospace for some time.
Some orc clans form the Coalition of Clans once again to fight against the disorder created by the raging gangs. || ???? || 2,0414
Two other gangs temporarily form an alliance to get rid of the gang with the modified Ollapukkitian assault vessels. With heavy losses to all sides, the Ollapukkitian ships are destroyed, but the gang which owned them survives. |
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With help from the Ollapukkitians, the UO government (or what's left of it) is re-established on Aldaain, and begins to neutralize the gangs.
The United Orcs celebrate their first victory at the end of the year after destroying one gang’s base of operations. |
A team of UOSF engineers gets one of the orbital shipyards back online.
As soon as enough construction material is gathered, UOSF builds the first ship in years, the UOSF HemmoCruiser. It uses a new type of jump drive, and it is supposed to unite the colonies once again and keep up the peace.
The Coalition of Clans acknowledges the UO government as their rulers, but continues to act alone in the fight against the gangers. |
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UOSF sends a scout ship to Frigia, moon of Aldaain, and discovers some very high-technology unharmed by the explosion of the Gateway Portals.
With this new technology the United Orcs outpower several gangs and gain some easy victories.
UOSF HemmoCruiser is launched from space dock, but as soon as it performs a jump all communication links fail and the ship disappears to jump space.
This demotivates everyone in the UOSF and UO government for months. |
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Right after new year: UOSF engineers start to design HemmoCruiser II. |
UOSF HemmoCruiser IIa and UOSF HemmoCruiser IIb are constructed to do what HemmoCruiser I had failed to. Only HCIIa is sent out first to make sure that the jump drive is secure.
HCIIa’s maiden voyage to Ollapukkiti Prime goes well, and it performs a long-range jump, setting course to V’romo Homeworld.
During the trip, internal security finds out that some of the passengers are actually spies.
Paranoia strikes the crew as the spies perform sabotage attempts and kill some crew members.
Several fist-fights break out in the ship. Over twenty crewmembers are arrested as spies. |
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Firefights in the engineering deck of UOSF HemmoCruiser IIa rupture some life support systems and the primary propulsion unit. The ship enters normal space and drifts for months.
Fighting continues inside the ship. After six months, the ship enters the boundaries of Ytinret III system and finally the gravity well of one of the uncharted desert planets in that system.
UOSF HemmoCruiser IIb crashlands on the planet of Ytinret III-3. |
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Arnasuk Baasegnar develops the Amiov-II shielding system. |
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Amiov-I shielding systems are removed from military use and are replaced with the newly designed Amiov IIs.
Arnasuk Baasegnar begins his work in the High Council of the United Orcs as a scientific councilor. He is also the Head of the Research and Development Department of the United Orcs Armed Forces. |
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2448 |
First contact between UCP and GF. |
3166 |
Last of the gangs are wiped off the face of Aldaain. It is rumored that some of them have formed a deep space outpost on some asteroid belt, but rumors are just rumors.
In the Celebration of Thinkers the UO government declares the past decades the "Great Chaos", and state that it has ended. |
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The sub-space comm nodes are finally re-established and the communication breakdown to the UO’s colonies end.
All colonies are glad to hear that the homeworld is okay, but some citizens would like to remain independent. However, only Rilet system ends up holding to its independence. |
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2455 |
Vodoss pirate-wars. |
3173 |
The O.R.C Defense Station is removed from Aldaain’s orbit and is later recycled. |
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2470 |
The H'Vos War. |
3188 |
Kl'zek De-root born on Tooled Hemmo II. |
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Planet RSA-91038-1 first reached in 2,0580.017 by interstellar exploratory vessel UOR InterSpace Explorer A06 of the Union Prospections & Explorations Corporation (UNIPEXCorp). Planetary resources claimed for extraction under RSA charter as contract P-68749. |
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Kl'zek De-root begins his service in the UOSF. He also goes through the Blue Beret Special Forces boot camp. |
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UOSF engineers along with Riletian scientists create the massive, cube-shaped Ion Storm class hulls. They are used for data storage and as deep space colonies. |
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The New Rebellion Alliance, after hiding in the shadows for decades, finally makes its first public appearance by planting a bomb on one of the UO command centers.
Also, around these times the NRA already had spies or collaborators in the UO government. |
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Pertti of the Clan Berserk hijacks one of the Ion Storm class ships and becomes an outlaw.
UO authorities suspect that the Berserk Clan supports Pertti, but no evidence of this is found. |
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Clan Berserk constructs a space station in orbit of Aldaain, known as the "Berserk Station". Little do the authorities know that 1) Pertti is stationed aboard the station and 2) the station is made of the hijacked Ion Storm class vessel. |
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The Neo-Rebellion performs another bomb strike, larger and more organized this time. Over 20 Hemmoian politicians die and 32 are wounded when a plasma bomb goes off in an office building at Aldaain Centrum. |
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Date 813 — Mineral veins identified on planet P-68749. |
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Date 364 — Mining base established on planet P-68749. |
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Date 788 — First AMC delivery launched from Mining Station P-68749. |
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Date 468 — Full production start at Mining Station P-68749. |
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Unknown ships jump to Orbeus-6 system at a very high velocity.
Without entering standard orbit, the ships plunge into Aldaain’s atmosphere.
First Contact with the Bacterians.
Bacterian ambassadors settle on Aldaain.
A period of harmony and coexistence begins. Limited technology exchange programs initiated. |
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Arnasuk Baasegnar outlines the theoretical Baasegnar Drive, an FTL jump drive capable of reaching inter-galactic distances. |
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Escherichia Bacterionema gives birth to Pavonidas the Bacterian. |
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The UO government decides that this would be a splendid time to announce the beginning of the Third Age. |
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